Skee Wee Herman Take Back Team Record
Skee Wee Herman Take Back Team Record


Skee Wee Herman Take Back Team Record – Well that didn’t last long. One week after losing the all time team record, Skee Wee Herman took it back with a monster 1251 in Week 6. I’ve already heard the whispering again about how I should have never allowed this team to form. You know what… haters are always gonna hate. Get over it. The truth is the numbers worked. Had these guys won the chalice their first skeeson I would have sucked it up and admitted I was wrong. But it didn’t happen (and still hasn’t). After three skeesons as a “Super Team” they have made the finals exactly ZERO times. ZERO.

Now all that being said… I actually think they finally have a good chance this skeeson and I’m actually rooting for them. #AnyoneButShed

Rookskee Alex broke 300 in Week 6, leading Down with O.P.Skee to their first 800+ game!

Skee Wee Herman Take Back Team Record