Is Bobby the Most Improved Roller Ever?

Is Bobby the Most Improved Roller Ever

Is Bobby the Most Improved Roller Ever? – In his first two seasons, Bobby averaged a 216 and 212. Then in Season 7 he found his bank shot and jumped all the way up to a 288. I’ve seen a few people improve over the years, but never like this. And then he goes out this season and ups his game even more, averaging a 314 and falling in the top 16 rollers on Wednesday night. The cover jinx apparently hit him this past week, even though it wasn’t yet posted, but it goes to show everyone that a little practice late night goes a long way. That’s right, Bobby found his roll late night last season and hasn’t looked back since. Over 100 point improvement in less than two seasons. Incredible.

Another roller on Wednesday is also starting to find her 40! Emily Hampson rolled a career high 332 in Week 4.

Is Bobby the Most Improved Roller Ever