New SkeeBOSTON Pins are HERE!

40 StreakCombo

50 Streak





The new skeeBOSTON pins are finally here!  For all the rookskees out there, we keep track of a couple special categories aside from the regular individual and team stats.  At the bottom of the each frame on the scoresheets you will see a 40, 50 and C listed.  These stand for 40 Streak, 50 Streak and Combo.  Basically, if you are able to roll all 9 balls in one frame into the 40 hole, 50 hole, or a combination of the two you win some flare (queue Jennifer Aniston).  Don’t forget to fill in the bubble on the scoresheet and tally the totals at the end.  Check out our Rules & Terminology page for more information.

New SkeeBOSTON Pins are HERE!
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